Sunday, February 24, 2008

Day Two of the Siege...

Well, it's day two, and there has been "some" progress on "Operation: Clean Your Room" (It just occured to me if I could somehow rearrange the word order, I could shorten it to "Operation: CRY".... : )

Anyway! I digress... As was promised to them, they got up early this morning to dress for Mass, then we came home, where they returned to their room to make progress while they waited for breakfast to be completed. I searved them all, including Dad (aka: the warden) while I finished up my own breakfast. "The Warden" said the food was excellant but couldn't say as much about the company he had... wasn't much into eating with prisoners... all the same, they got their 15 minutes of "silent freedom" while they ate to their fill ( I let them have pancakes, eggs and bacon, with the rest of us...) washed down with some chocolate milk (I know, real torture...). They returned to their room, fat and happy and goofing off for the next couple of hours. As time rolls on, and their tummys start to growl, again, I remind them that lunch won't be quite as fulfilling. I think I might have some more Ramen noodles up in the cabinet. Otherwise, it may be just plain ole peanut butter sandwiches and water. The Warden is growing weary of the siege, deciding that they are just having WAY too much fun, and is threating to take things in to his own hands, so to speak.

My oldest just came in to inform me that they (the prisoners) have reached an aggreement and are cooperating to work together and will soon be done... the whining and screaming in the other room tell me otherwise... we shall see...

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