Friday, March 14, 2008

Time to Hit "The Box"

There are two reasons that I am SO thankful for being Catholic... well, there are LOTS of reasons, but two "biggies" are Adoration and Confession... Two of the things that were MUCH neglected in my "Cafeteria Catholic" days, before I really knew or understood much of what my faith taught.... When I'm having a particularly trying time and I leave the house for a little while without saying where I'm going, my husband always knows where I've gone. Even without asking, he knows.... There is something about sitting in the quiet and solace of adoration, just laying all your guts out there at Jesus' feet and letting him give you comfort and peace... I am very blessed to live within a few miles of a parish that offers daily adoration Mon-Tues after 6:30am Mass to 9:00pm and 24 hours Wed-Saturday morning 8am Mass. Now there are times when I have dropped in looking for some peace and quiet time with Jesus, only to be surrounded by one of the "prayer groups" having one of their "prayer marathons" that seem to go on endlessly, when all I really want is some quiet...sigh... But, still, swallowing my frustration and annoyance, I'm grateful for the moments that I do get...

Which brings me to my #2 "biggie" that I am thankful for... The BEAUTIFUL and GLORIOUS Sacrament of Confession. I used to DREAD Confession when I was younger. I mean, how embarrassing, to have to go and tell Father all the bad stuff I had been doing... And I remember how little I used the Sacrament in my teenage and early adult years... But, Oh! How I have GROWN to LOVE that which can make me Holy and clean as the new driven snow, reconciling with my Lord and Savior, if only for until a few minutes after I step out of the box... But, I guess, looking back, hindsight, I have made some progress... The more I confess, the easier it becomes to avoid that particular sin...

Now, instead of dreading, I really hate when it seems that one thing after another "comes up" and I don't get to confession for some reason or other... I feel like I am dragging myself through the desert looking for water.... That's how I feel, now, and that's why I will be heading to the confession lines in the morning, family in tow... It's been a month, and I try really hard not to go longer than that, ever. Now, keeping in mind that tomorrow is the last Saturday before Holy Week I imagine that the lines will be long, praise Jesus! Help me be patient... : ) Help me not to gripe and complain about those in line in front of me, thinking and sometimes saying out loud to my husband, "What could they have POSSIBLY done to be in there so long??", which I have been known to do.... It's pretty sad when you have a long list to share with Father in the box... Sadder still is when you add to it as you're waiting in line! Can you just SEE the Blessed Mother crossing herself rolling her eyes upward, from me?.... Forgive me Father....

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