Thursday, February 18, 2010

What's that smudge?

You know... I've attended Ash Wednesday Mass just about EVERY Ash Wednesday since I was born... and for as long as I can remember Ash Wednesday has ALWAYS been one of the most attended masses I've ever been to. Right up there with Christmas and Easter, literally millions of Catholics will flock to the Church to get their badge of "dirt" smudged on their forehead... and more recently I've even heard of non-Catholics doing their own form of beginning a Lenten season of fasting and alms giving in preparation for the coming of Easter...

I've heard all the lines from outsiders... "What's that on your forehead?" or "You got a little dirt, let me get that for ya...." etc... but it never seems to take much reminding for them to remember (even non-Catholics, mind you....) "Oh! yeah! It's Ash Wednesday!...

So tell me WHY was it SUCH a mystery as to the smudge of ashes on VP Joe Biden's forehead?... Really?... It's funny though... When talking about things like his spineless stance on abortion, people have no problem recalling that he's "catholic", but go figure... when he actually goes out of his way to "do" something "Catholic" the media doesn't have a clue...

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