Friday, March 5, 2010

"Remember the Marvels the Lord Has Done"...

This morning at Mass, Father asked us to, instead of dwelling on what is making us unhappy, or asking WHY we are put in this or that situation, to REMEMBER the Marvels the Lord has done in our lives... and in contemplating this, we can't just get stuck on remembering the BIG and standout happenings, but ALL the little miracles that He brings to our lives each day... Despite all the sadness, frustrations, set backs, disappointments that always seem SO horrible at the time I'm going through them, God has obviously carried us through... And after the fact, we can look back on those tough times and maybe even see a little more clearly the "why" of why God allowed us to go through them... it makes me more thankful for the blessings... and yes, I can even count the set backs as blessings... If we hadn't lost our business over 8 years ago, my husband would never had found the job that he has. If we hadn't lost almost everything we had as we struggled to find work and make ends meet with 2 kids, we probably wouldn't have learned to live on as little as we do today with 5 kids... even though my pregnancies have been struggles for me, physically and emotionally, to the point of despair and depression, feeling as though we couldn't possibly take care of another baby, God has always provided for our every need and then some...

That said, looking back on the hurdles we've jumped and the successes we've had (though, in many circles, we would not be what many would call "successful"....) what makes me most sad are broken families and the killing of innocent lives... and again, in many parts of society, these are things that are supposed to be mainstream and "okay"... both, in my opinion, cause destruction of souls... This video, though... this video, in a few short minutes gives me hope... I pray that more survivors, mothers, fathers and children, will be unafraid to step forward and tell their stories... putting a face to the injustices... EVERY saved child/mother/father/family is truly one of God's GREATEST Marvels.... Thanks to my friend Sarah for sharing it with me!

check out

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