Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Too Fat to be a Parent...

This was brought to my attention earlier today. It seems tragic, really, that an otherwise loving and capable couple are turned away based SOLELY on this man's weight... for the love of pete! A skinny guy could fall over from a heart attack or even die in a car wreck! So, in THEIR minds it is "better" for a child to STAY in a group home, unstable, unsure and UNABLE to put down ANY emotional roots, than to "risk" the POSSIBLE demise of a fat guy?... hhmm... How long will it be before parents that ARE able to conceive their own children or told they can't until they "meet the criteria"...? Sometimes I feel that we are like frogs in a pot of water, that is slowly being heated up.... Wanting people to be healthy is one thing, but "healthy" does not a good parent make... and I don't think that a person should be dismissed from becoming a parent just because they are overweight. Do you think if this same man dressed up as a a woman in a dress and make up, then re-applied they would over look his weight in the name of "political correctness"? ~sigh


Andi said...

I know it's lame. It might be a form a discrimination. Would they turn away a couple if one of them was underweight??

Actually my uncle and his wife cannot qualify to adopt another child from China because his BMI is waaay higher than their new requirements...even though they have a stable home, and plenty of money, time, and space for more children. Pretty sad.

Tammy said...

That really is awful, and so sad. Mike and I are both overweight, but otherwise healthy - no high cholesterol, no diabetes, no heart problems, etc. I'm so tired of being told that I need to change. Every other commercial on tv is for some sort of weight loss pill or program or something. I would be the same person, fat or skinny, as I am now. My personality, values, and morals will never change. And, my ability to take care of and love a child would not be any more or less. *sigh* Okay, stepping down off my soapbox now.