Friday, September 26, 2008

Down to the Last Few Weeks....

Have you ever woke in the middle of the night suddenly remembering something you forgot?.... That happened to me at about 4:30 this morning. It suddenly popped in my head that I am almost 34 weeks pregnant and I completely forgot about my rhogam shot. Rhogam is a shot that women who are Rh-negative are supposed to get during their 26-28 week appointment. Oops...

So, I called my doctor's office first thing this morning and made arrangements to run down there when my husband was home for lunch and get it done. They didn't seem too concerned about it being so late... I don't really know WHAT the difference is... The nurse did tell me when i got there that my last blood test seemed okay and that there was no concern with any blood problems with the baby and I, and went ahead and gave me the injection. My understanding was that THIS shot would protect the baby in any possible FUTURE pregnancies, but now I'm not sure. Maybe it's for now and then... At any rate, it's done, now...

The last minute injection and run down to the doctors office really hit me, though, that I am ALREADY winding down to the end of this pregnancy. Despite all the frustration with specialists and insurance I really do feel pretty good. And comparatively, I think I'm doing better, health wise, than I have in any previous pregnancy. I think that THAT is a direct answer to prayer... Honestly, I have been sleeping well, despite the 2-3 times a night that I have to get up to use the bathroom : ) and despite my "torpedo" tummy, I am still able to get around pretty good, as long as i don't have to bend over, which absolutely takes my breath away!

The nurse told me that because I'm down to my last few weeks of this pregnancy she wanted me to make another appointment BEFORE the 20th, just to check and make sure everything is still going smoothly. So! Even though my doctor will be gone on vacation, I will have a visit with his office partner on the 10th and then keep my appointment to meet with my regular doctor on the 20th when he returns. It just really hit me that I really am getting close... I have so much still to do! As far as rearranging and making room in this house for a new wee one... I have a long "to do" list for tomorrow, that will include going through the girls clothes to put away the ones that #3 has outgrown for later and giving away the ones that #4 has outgrown, to make room for the new baby's "boy clothes". I have a sweet friend that sent me a box of boy clothes for the baby, since I gave all mine away, two baby's ago : ) My younger son was THRILLED that his baby brother won't have to wear pink! After that it's getting the girls settled together in their own room so that the baby will be in our room when he arrives in just a few more short weeks. Thankfully, it looks like we are on the far side of potty training for #4, as she has now gone 2 days accident free! Yippee!! Thank you everyone that remembers us in their prayers!

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