Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Who'da Thunk?...

It was a year ago, January 25, that I, encouraged by friends, decided to start my own blog... gosh it's been fun! : ) Not to mention therapeutic, in many ways... And I see that today I passed the 4000 mark on my blog counter! Who'da thunk? That this 43 year old stay-at-home-homeschooling mommy of 5 would ever have her life be of interest to others around the globe, that many times??.. From Sri Lanka, to Japan, the Philippines, Germany, India, Ireland, England, Canada, Brazil, Mexico and across this nation from coast to coast... It's been a great ride! Thanks for joining me! Please come, again! : )


Tammy said...

That's great Em, congrats!!! Blogging is great fun.

WI Catholic said...

Happy Anniversary! Glad you listened to those who encouraged you... cannot imagine who that could be...

God bless!