Thursday, March 27, 2008

My Baby is a Cereal Killer...

Don't let the blue eyes and innocent face fool you... This baby is a cereal killer....

It all started soon after those first steps. Once she got the balance thing down, she began the reach and grab motion like no body I had ever seen! Now, tippy-toeing with great grace and finesse, she toddles in to the kitchen, looking for the opportune moment that no one is around, raiding counters and cupboards for the one box of cereal that has been left unattended.... and then she STRIKES!

It was shortly after I poured the remaining Apple Jacks from one box in to the new box, in order to make room in my cupboard. I left it exposed JUST enough for her to spot it when I was in the other room. It was my husband that happened by the kitchen, seeing her joyously sitting amongst the little pinkish-orange "O's" covering the entire floor. I knew something wasn't right when I heard him say, "WHAT THE--... Yup. She took no prisoners... The entire lot had to be swept up and tossed...

Her next victims were the Fruit Loops... Not a full brand new box, but enough to make a sufficient mess.... My oldest son had poured himself a bowl for breakfast that morning and left the opened box on the edge of the counter, not thinking that babies that are 2 feet tall have a 3 foot long arm reach.... We were able to salvage a few that must have seen her coming and clung to the inside of the box. They lived to be eaten another morning...

Then it was the Golden Crisp. Now, this was no hack job... No, she went for a full-throttle attack, ripping the box from top to bottom, before she ever got ahold of the bag inside, and THEN she went for the BIG RIP as honey-sticky puffs of cereal flew in every direction covering just about every counter, and corner of the kitchen. Again, the box was left too close to the edge of the counter after dear son #2 helped himself to some earlier that morning. I think she took particular joy in this attack as surmised from the evidence left sticking to her face, hands and butt...

Today, I got lucky. Caught her red-handed, in the act. There she stood, in the middle of my kitchen floor with the box clutched in one mitt with the other plunged deeply into the box with her chubby little fist crunched around a handful of cereal. She stopped when she saw me round the corner, then slowly pulled her hand out, never taking her eyes off me.... She gave me a look that said, "Stay back, Mom. Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt..." Oddly, enough, it was a box of Life, this time.... Coincidence? I think not... ; ] She dropped the box and backed away... The Life cereal is now safely sitting in the upper cupboard... The culprit toddled off, cereal in hand, probably strategizing her next move.... This Sherrif is keeping all eyes open....


Anonymous said...

This story made me giggle because my four year old son LOVES cereal but always seems to make a huge mess. After a Fruity Pebble disaster last week he is banned from cereal for a few weeks. Good luck with your blue-eyed cereal killer.

WI Catholic said...

I LOVE it! I think it was my own dd#2 that did similar things in our home, but it was so long ago.... smile...

It is always the one who tries to 'look innocent', isn't it?


God bless!

Sarah said...

This cracked me up. :) Reminds me of my own niece and nephew - who are becoming partners in crime!