Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Movin on Up... and Out...

Daddy and the boys set fast at work the other morning to expand their chicken coop. Dad decided that he would like to plant some winter rye in our back yard in the next few weeks, so he no longer wants our chickens "ranging"... I have mixed emotions about this, because I DO enjoy watching them strut through the yard gathering bugs and worms... the down side is that they have made what little bit of grass we had left, virtually non-existent... So! included in this 4 foot length extension was 3 new nesting boxes for our remaining hens in hopes that they will soon began "earning their keep" with some egg laying.
This last weekend we traded one of our barred rock roosters for a barred rock hen and she already lays. The boys were so excited to find an egg, that yesterday evening my younger son pulled one right out from under her, still soft... oops... "honey... you can't get them THAT fresh... you need to let them have a chance to harden up..."

Also on the list of "to do's" in trying to get some eggs was to gather up and separate the roosters... still trying to decide WHAT to do with them... poor things... Freecycle is one option, but hubby is worried that they will end up in the cook pot or as fighters. He and the boys don't like EITHER of those options... and upon closer inspection this evening, he thinks he found yet another rooster in the pack... that would make roosters: 4, hens: 5. *sigh* and here we thought we were so "lucky" in having all hens when we first got them... Anyway, the boys did a great job on the coop, and if that isn't inspiration enough to make a hen lay an egg, well I guess we'll have to resort to feeding them some high protein 'crumble' food... the guy at the feed store told me that they started using it and it really works well... And, now, of course, the guys are VERY anxious to get some more hens... I sure hope that the ones we still have don't ALL turn out to be roosters! lol!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Down to the Last Few Weeks....

Have you ever woke in the middle of the night suddenly remembering something you forgot?.... That happened to me at about 4:30 this morning. It suddenly popped in my head that I am almost 34 weeks pregnant and I completely forgot about my rhogam shot. Rhogam is a shot that women who are Rh-negative are supposed to get during their 26-28 week appointment. Oops...

So, I called my doctor's office first thing this morning and made arrangements to run down there when my husband was home for lunch and get it done. They didn't seem too concerned about it being so late... I don't really know WHAT the difference is... The nurse did tell me when i got there that my last blood test seemed okay and that there was no concern with any blood problems with the baby and I, and went ahead and gave me the injection. My understanding was that THIS shot would protect the baby in any possible FUTURE pregnancies, but now I'm not sure. Maybe it's for now and then... At any rate, it's done, now...

The last minute injection and run down to the doctors office really hit me, though, that I am ALREADY winding down to the end of this pregnancy. Despite all the frustration with specialists and insurance I really do feel pretty good. And comparatively, I think I'm doing better, health wise, than I have in any previous pregnancy. I think that THAT is a direct answer to prayer... Honestly, I have been sleeping well, despite the 2-3 times a night that I have to get up to use the bathroom : ) and despite my "torpedo" tummy, I am still able to get around pretty good, as long as i don't have to bend over, which absolutely takes my breath away!

The nurse told me that because I'm down to my last few weeks of this pregnancy she wanted me to make another appointment BEFORE the 20th, just to check and make sure everything is still going smoothly. So! Even though my doctor will be gone on vacation, I will have a visit with his office partner on the 10th and then keep my appointment to meet with my regular doctor on the 20th when he returns. It just really hit me that I really am getting close... I have so much still to do! As far as rearranging and making room in this house for a new wee one... I have a long "to do" list for tomorrow, that will include going through the girls clothes to put away the ones that #3 has outgrown for later and giving away the ones that #4 has outgrown, to make room for the new baby's "boy clothes". I have a sweet friend that sent me a box of boy clothes for the baby, since I gave all mine away, two baby's ago : ) My younger son was THRILLED that his baby brother won't have to wear pink! After that it's getting the girls settled together in their own room so that the baby will be in our room when he arrives in just a few more short weeks. Thankfully, it looks like we are on the far side of potty training for #4, as she has now gone 2 days accident free! Yippee!! Thank you everyone that remembers us in their prayers!

WHERE Do These People Come From?...

With all the craziness going on in this world, right now, I just don't understand these people's line of thinking... It's like they don't even think themselves human (maybe they're not?...) so have no interest in using their passions to protect their own... It's all about "living rocks" and "crying trees"... sheesh... I just don't get it...

And if THAT isn't ENOUGH craziness, in addition to crying and grieving over the dead trees, how about we DO something 'helpful' like, oh, I don't know.... come up with the BRILLIANT idea to urge Ben & Jerry's to use breast milk in their ice cream, instead of cows milk... Now, I don't know about you, but this just conjures up some images in my mind that i would rather not think about... including but not limited to, WHERE would they find these breast milk "donors" and WHAT exactly is their "production plan" for these women that would be "better" and healthier for them? than it would be for cows? That's an awful lot of milk production.... But then, I guess the cows, in their minds, have the superior rights to the women, right?... sheesh... this is one of those 'news' items that just leaves me.... speechless... I AM thankful, however, that Ben & Jerry's declined the offer...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pictures from Ike...

Having a few friends and family that thankfully survived Hurricane Ike fairly well, I was really interested in seeing these pictures from after the storm. It really is amazing... living here on the "left" coast, I really can't imagine going through something like this... Earthquake, yes, but hurricanes, no... Prayers go out to all those that are still working to get their lives back together, and to those who lost family and friends...

The short - but eventful - life of Ike

Some Days... You gotta laugh to keep from crying...

That was my day yesterday... As a rule, Wednesday's are our hectic days, anyway... The kids have their "enrichment classes" at the charter school, where they get to take extra-curricular classes with other home schooled kids, like farming, and PE and art, woodshop, metal shop, computers, science, etc... They really enjoy meeting up with friends and doing new things other than what we do at home, and I enjoy a morning break usually at my mom's. While #'s 3 and 4 are done at 12:30, the oldest has a woodshop class until 3:00, and then we pick him up and head home to throw something together for dinner before we leave for CCD at 6:00.

Well, this week to add to our Wednesday fun, I had a doctor's appointment. I figured it was 'creative scheduling' since the kids would be at school and mom would only have to watch the baby. But, THIS Wednesday morning, after I loaded up the van and jumped in to start it to take the kids to school, low and behold, that "weak battery" that we knew we were going to have to replace soon, decided it had seen it's final start... My neighbor, bless his heart, came to our rescue, attempting to jump it back to life, even cleaning the connector cables for me, and still, to no avail... and it turned out to be HIS 76th birthday!! I felt so bad! even though he said he didn't mind... So, I call my mom and ask if she can come stay with the baby while I use her car to take the kids to school, it's 9:20. School started at 9:15 and the kids are freaking out because they are late... mom shows up at 9:40 and jumps out of her little Nissan Sentra and I jump in. The kids are 30 minutes late but they make it to class. I go back to my house to get mom and the baby (we wouldn't all fit in her little car at once...) to take them back to her house so I can shower and get to my doctor appointment by 11:00. Good thing I cancelled that 10:00am ultra sound two days ago... It is now 10:30 and my doctors office is across town, probably 20-30 minutes away...

I jump in and out of the shower, throw on my dress, realizing I forgot my slip (oops... don't tell my mom...), comb out my wet hair and head out the door to the doctor's. Arriving 15 minutes late, I explain my morning and all is well as I take a seat and wait to see the doctor.

When my name is called they check my BP (116/48) and my weight (4 lbs. less) and head for the exam room. My doctor enters with his usual smile asking me how I'm feeling, and we begin to talk about my "issues"... "so, you're not checking your blood sugar?"

*sigh* "Doc, I'm not trying to be a 'rebel patient', I'm really not... but my issue with pregnancy has always been my blood pressure, and my BP right now is so GOOD, it's ridiculous! "

he says, "Wow! (looking at my chart) that's better than mine! "

I continue, "but I'm 42 years old, I have just a few weeks left and this is my 5th baby... I really can't handle all these tests, and counseling and extra stuff... my insurance doesn't want to cover diabetic counseling 100%, I don't have time to make MORE appointments or the patience to check my blood. I followed your simple instructions to cut back on sweets and carbs, more protien and exercise, and I really feel great! Especially about my BP..."

he said, "You lost 4 lbs. What happened?"

"You guys made me paranoid about this blood glucose thing!! I admit, I probably wasn't watching the sugar and carb intake as much as i should have, and I just cut back... and tried to exercise more... It apparently worked..."

Although he would like to have another look at the baby with an ultra sound to check the size again before delivery, he understood why I really don't want to, unless it's completely necessary.... We discussed possible VBAC and he said after 3 c-secs, he really wasn't comfortable with 'trying' to have a VBAC. IF my water breaks and my body naturally begins to go that direction, while waiting for a scheduled surgery, okay, but otherwise, we will schedule surgery on my next visit on the 20th. I'm okay with that...

So! No more tests, no more diagnostics, no more specialists, no more ultra sounds (unless there's an emergency...) Surgery will be scheduled sometime the first week of November...

So, I get out of my appointment, grab something to eat and head back to mom's at about 1:00. At mom's I pull out my ingredients that I brought to make the cookies that I said I would take to my daughters CCD class that evening. As I unpacked, I discovered I left my recipe at home, so I call my sister to get it from her again, (it's her recipe...). As I'm writing it down, it occurs to me that I left the CHIPS for the chocolate CHIP cookies I was going to make, at home!! sheesh!! NOW what?! My sister, bless her heart, came to my rescue, volunteering to make them for me... Whew! One less thing on my list! Now I will just have to stop at the store on my way home to purchase drinks to go with the cookies...

We pack up from grandma's into her little car (we were jokingly calling it the circus clown car because I'm sure we were quite a site piling in and out of it! lol!! ) and head BACK to the school to pick up my oldest from woodshop at 3:00. When we pull up he proudly walks out carrying this HUGE CD/DVD rack that he just finished in class! Of ALL days for him to bring this home!! lol... so he spent the next 5 minutes trying to STUFF it in to the trunk with all of our other stuff that we already had in there (baking stuff, my personal stuff that I took to get ready for the doctor, the baby's potty seat, the kids binders, etc...) lolol... That finally accomplished we head down the road to the store to get the drinks.

At the store we get the drinks and I used my coupon for the "free milk" that I got the previous week when I bought several boxes of a certain cereal. The coupon said "FREE 1 gallon of milk valued at $5 or less". The lady was annoyed because the milk rang up at $4.99 and the register only deducted $3.99.... "Well, that coupon is for the $3.99 milk"

"But it doesn't say that. It just says, $5.00 or less..."

"well, it's only a dollar... "

"So, are YOU going to give me a dollar?..."

She sent me to the "information booth" where THAT person didn't know what to do, so she ended up coming over and doing it herself, anyway... oh well, lady... sorry to mess up your day... wanna trade? ; )

We get home close to 4:00 and pile out of Grandma's circus clown car and unpack the trunk, CD/DVD rack and all! : ) Frozen dinners tonight! I find a message on my phone machine from earlier in the day reminding me to bring snacks for CCD and asking me to call back to confirm. But when I did, there was no answer. Oh well... I was prepared... Hubby got home from work and took my battery out of my van and headed to the auto store to get a new one. $70 later he returned to put it BACK in my van, only to have it STILL not start... Great! So, leaving a very grumpy husband with a mad baby that didn't want to be left behind, at 5:30 we grab the drinks out of the fridge, pack the circus clown car back up and head to my sisters to pick up the cookies she graciously baked for me!

I go to my daughters 1st grade CCD class to find they have a sub teacher. A dad, bless his heart is trying quite unsuccessfully to calm down a class room of 42 wriggly 1st graders... oh well.. goes with the rest of the day! lol... I VERY tiredly sit through class waiting for "snack time" at the end, when I discover BECAUSE I didn't call that lady back (that left a message on my machine) she had ANOTHER mom bring snack, instead! so now they had DOUBLE... Okay, whatever... I had signed up for THIS day and I just hope they don't expect me to bring snack AGAIN at another time... I already thought that snacks AND drinks for 40+ kids was WAY TOO MUCH to expect one mom to bring to class... and I purposefully chose a class right now so I wouldn't have to worry about it later...

After class we head home where I am TOTALLY spent and exhausted! Hubby has calmed down and we discuss that we will just have to call our mechanic in the morning and see what he tells us about the van and deal with the fall out if and when it comes...

Thankfully, when I called and saw my mechanic this morning, the problem with the van turned out to be pretty minimal, with having to replace the alternator fuse. The alternator was fine (Thank you, Jesus!) My mechanic (a very honest one!) was only going to charge me $5, but I gave him $20, because I was SO thankful! We were honestly expecting a 3 digit price... We went and picked up Grandma so that she could retrieve her circus clown car, and when I thought I could finally sit down and try and get some school work done, I just couldn't... My motivation out the window, the kids took advantage of my lack of enthusiasm for school and I took advantage of the baby's nap and went in to my room and flopped on the bed, myself, for a good hour, hour and a half... When I got up, I had enough energy to do the dishes and monitor my oldest as he graciously made dinner for us : )

So, yeah, it's been a hectic few days, but God is good, and we've come out, once again, on the other side... Much to be thankful for... And if you've stayed with this story this long, it's probably because you can TOTALLY relate! Thank You, Jesus, for trials and challenges, for answered prayers, for your continual reminders that you walk with me through it all...

A Day at the Fair...

We took our annual first of the year field trip to the County Fair on Monday where we met my sister and her son and made the rounds of the crafts, quilting, crocheting, doll collections, mini town models made of toothpicks, the cake decorating, various collections and, of course, the animals. Surprisingly, there just didn't seem to be as much on display this year as in years past... not sure why...

All the same, we all had a blast, walking around, munching on our picnic lunch and snacks and visiting with familiar faces from years past... Here are a few pics of our day...

My girls are greeted by the cowboys at the front gate. As you can see, the baby was VERY excited to be so close to the horsey!

We stopped for some snacks in between exhibits...

The County Fair has what they call "School Fair Days" where school kids get in for free during the morning hours to visit the exhibits, the animals and some of the shows they have, like pig racing, clown acts, magic acts, hands-on science exhibits, petting zoo, etc... the carnival area with the rides is closed until later in the afternoon. So, tradition with our kids is, they like to sit on the foot-vibrating chairs and pop in a quarter.... They crack up EVERY time... we tell them "That's 'the ride'..." lol... that's okay, though, because the carnival area and those rides make me nervous, anyway... The baby wouldn't get on a chair until it stopped moving... lol...

Some other local homeschooling friends were showing their animals. This guy was holding what he called a "mini-rex" bunny. He was SO cute! And velvety soft! Quite content to sit and let the kids pet him...

This was a BEAUTIFUL pheasant that was being shown. The only one I saw, actually. You can see the beautiful color and my son couldn't help but take it's picture as it posed...

My nephew was amused at holding his finger out at this fine looking turkey, that would have liked nothing better than to grab it in his beak! If he could JUST get a little bit closer! lol...

This is the older brother of our homeschooling friends that had the mini rex bunny. My younger son enjoyed the chickens, as we all did...

This little girl was so cute! Didn't know her, but she had my sister help her get this chicken of hers out of the cage so she could show it to us. Yup. It's a chicken! Look again! It has a red head that blends right in with her shirt! At first glance it may look like she's holding a little black dog... Anyway! As you can see, my younger son is standing right next to her, anxious to hear about this cool looking chicken! After she put it back in it's cage he volunteered to help her go around and check on and feed all of her 4 chickens that she was showing. He was in "heaven"! lol!

A fun time had by all! The wheels are already turning in my young ones heads with plans for next year's fair and what they want to enter and/or show... From art work to chickens to bunnies... it's a tough choice! Good thing we have a year! ; )

Sad Days Ahead for our Chicken Farm...

So we started with a bakers dozen and lost a couple by pecking order... and then there were 11... 5 of them were barred rock. My sister wanted 2, so the boys happily gave her 2 to add to her flock... turns out one of those was a rooster... oops... and then there were nine... not long after we began to hear what sounds like "crowing" at the early morning hours... hhhhmmmm... which one is it?... another week or two goes by and we hear another crow, different from the first... uh-oh... Before long we are beginning to wonder, "Just HOW MANY Roosters do we have??"

Here we thought we had gotten so "lucky" picking chicks from the $.89/a piece box (which means there are no guarantees of gender or 'flavor' : ] ). We were sure that they were ALL hens... my sister said they had done this several times and NEVER got a rooster until they started having baby chicks of their own after they got a rooster from my OTHER sister... But, upon closer inspection we discover that there are not one, not two, not three, but FOUR roosters in the hen house... which would explain why we haven't gotten any eggs from the poor 5 little hens we have left... sheesh... and NOW, with each child having his or her favorite they find themselves struggling over which they have to give up... we make terrible farmers... I know it's gonna be tough for them to let go, but daddy is currently trying to convince them that if they get rid of three of the four, then hopefully they will have babies of their own... that might do the trick... anyone need a rooster?

Friday, September 19, 2008

It's a Moth! ; )

So I got an email from my sister from "The North" informing me that their "pillar" had made it's "mothly"appearance this morning and was ready to take flight for greener pastures (see above pictures) : ) It reminded me of our own pillar that I had forgotten to check on yesterday and low and behold, when I did, It's a Moth!! The kids quickly wanted to "keep it" for a pet... But we had to tell them that this is a wild creature not meant to be "kept". They can watch it in it's bug jar for the rest of the day and we will let it go this evening after daddy gets home. It was hard for me to get a good in focus picture (I'm still learning to use this camera...) but, you get the idea. It's cool to look at, and I'm guessing they MUST grow larger, because we have seen these moths MUCH larger than this. During the summer when we catch them resting under our porch lights we refer to them as "B-52" moths : ) Our moth pictures are at the bottom.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Is It Worth It?

That's what my husband asked me on his way out after lunch and back to work...

"Is it worth the $50 they want you to pay?..."

I have been battling insurance and doctors offices for the past couple of months... It started back on May 8th when I had the first trimester screen, recommended by my doctor,with the specialist, that also included, unbeknownst to me, a finger-prick blood test for Downs syndrome. The "positive" result that THAT test and the ultra sound combined gave me, caused my doctor to request that I consider the genetic counseling and meeting with the specialist again for a more "in depth" ultra sound. I declined then, telling him that it wouldn't make a difference, that I would carry the baby to term, regardless... I knew, by this time, that my insurance would not cover ultra sounds 100%, but only at 80%. I was confronted with THIS information when I went to the u/s on May 8th and was told I had to pay $80, that I didn't have, but had to scrape up (borrow) last minute or be charged the $25 no notice cancellation fee...

So, after my "positive" result from the first u/s, I decided INSTEAD of meeting with the specialist again I would have the basic "regular" ultra sound with the u/s tech, pay my 20%, see the baby, put my mind at rest and put it behind me. I re-iterated my decision AGAIN to the specialist nurse that called me to ask once AGAIN if i was SURE that I didn't want to see the specialist and have the genetic counseling and to make sure I understood WHAT the positive test result meant.... I scheduled my "basic" u/s for July 18.

The morning of the 18th I was feeling anxious and thankful that my husband was going with me. We sat waiting several minutes before ANOTHER nurse came and got me and took me back to her office to inquire ONCE AGAIN "WHY" I wasn't seeing the specialist and having the genetic counseling that my doctor recommended and just having the "basic" u/s? I again, reiterated to her my reasons being it not going to make a difference and that my insurance would only cover 80% and I didn't want to spend the extra $$ on something that wasn't going to change anything.

If you haven't kept up with the story, you can find it here.

So! I wait another week, and July 24th I have what i was told was the "State Program" covered u/s with the specialist and meet with the genetic counselor (that I really didn't care if I had or not, I really was focused on just wanting to SEE my baby... but was told it was all part of the deal...), and when the baby doesn't cooperate, the Specialist doesn't get all the measurements that he wanted and so asks me to return in three weeks, which I do.

So when I return on August 14 it was to COMPLETE what the Specialist Doctor started on July 24th, COMPLETEING the measurements all of which I was told would be covered under this "State Program" that I "automatically qualified for because I had a positive screening..."

"It doesn't matter WHAT your insurance covers, Mrs. P.", I was told on the 18th when I was encouraged to cancel my appointment that day and reschedule with the specialist on July 24th, the following week, "You had a positive screen and are AUTOMATICALLY covered by the State Program for EVERYTHING, including an amnio if you so choose to have, that needs to be done to monitor the baby, and will continue AFTER the baby is born if it turns out that the he or she does have Downs..."

It was shortly after this now "completed u/s" that I started getting a bill for the first session on the 24th where the baby didn't cooperate and he asked me to return. "Why" I asked the billing department...

"Well, that is your 20% leftover from your insurance"

"this was supposed to be covered by a 'State Program', why is my insurance being billed"

Fast forward to now. Now, after I have told the Doctors office for the umpteenth time that I was TOLD that it would not cost me ANYTHING and that is the ONLY reason I put off my originally scheduled u/s, I was NOT going to "eat this" and SOMEONE else would have to... and get THIS, the girl told me that the charge was for the GENETIC COUNSELING lady that I INSISTED that I really didn't care WHAT she had to say in the FIRST PLACE, but I was only interested in SEEING the baby!! It WASN'T going to matter!!!

I have called the billing office through the general line to be left on hold for over 45 minutes (both times) to receive a voice mail to which I never got a call back, twice. I got a direct number to a billing girl that I spoke with and said she would find out what was going on and she never called me back, TWICE. And when I finally got ahold of her a THIRD time she FINALLY told me that they would adjust the amount of $28.33 from the 24th appointment , but the $49-something (I haven't received THAT bill yet...) from the follow up u/s on the 14th of August could NOT be adjusted... "WHY NOT?! It was all part of the SAME "program" that I was told would be COVERED 100% back on the 18th of July when they convinced me to reschedule..." gggrrrrr....

I guess most people would say "forget it" and pay it and walk away... My husband would, at this point... Maybe to most people $50 isn't a lot of loss... But to this mom of five, $50 is a weeks worth of groceries, or medicines, diapers and toiletries for the month, gas for the van for a couple of weeks, a PAYMENT to the hospital for the emergency services I have had to take the kids in for over this past year... I can't do it... When I have to tell my kids that we can't take the trip to the zoo, or go to the movies, or I can't send them to camp or we can't go to the beach or take a vacation or even pay for sports or whatever, I just can't justify paying for something that I was ASSURED would be "taken care of" by this mysterious "state program"...

I found out when I called Miss "Blow-me-off-and-never-call-back's" supervisor this morning from HER assistant (yeah, still haven't been able to catch the one on top...) that NO "paperwork" was EVER submitted to any "State Program"... so NOW what? Do I qualify or not? No one can seem to give me a straight answer... I'll give them MY answer... I was ASSURED that I qualified BEFORE I ever cancelled my original appointment, that it would be covered and it would not cost me ANYTHING. I didn't screw this up. Someone there, did, and I'm not going to pay for it... what are they going to do? NOT deliver my baby?... maybe...*scoff*... whatever... I'm tired and this is all stressing me out...

I'm 32+ weeks in, I'm 42 years old and this is my 5th baby... I just want to crawl into a cave somewhere and let nature take it's course, at this point... Of course, I'd like to think that my family might miss me if I do that, so I guess I'll stick around a little bit longer... and wait to see if this supervisor lady is any better at returning phone calls than her supervisee... Please, God, she'll say the right thing... I told them that I go back to the doctor on the 24th next week and I really don't want to be confronted with this again... My blood pressure has been doing so well... *sigh*

So, to answer my husbands question, "Yes. It's worth it..."

It's worth it to this mom that will lay awake because she spent $5 on something that she later found she could have gotten at a different store ON SALE, using a coupon and save $4. It's worth it when you consider we already pay over $500 a month for insurance that we can't really even afford to use, when there is a $100 deductible per person ON TOP OF the 20% that you have to pay for pretty much any services that you need, but you can't really chance NOT having it... When you are a big family choosing to live on one income, "frugal" and "bargaining" becomes a way of life... a way of survival... it all counts.... It's worth it when I am able to save enough cash to take a trip or do something special and/or unexpected with the kids because it doesn't happen too often. It's worth it to see their happiness and excitement. Yeah, that's worth all of it... I'll let you know if I ever get that call back.. Rest assured, if I don't hear in the next few days I WILL be calling again... please, pray for me...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Gianna Jessen on Hannity and Colmes

Unfortunately I missed Gianna Jessen when she came to our town a couple of years ago to speak at a local parish. I had heard her story, but never had the chance to hear her, until this last Walk for Life held in Washington DC last January. I listened to her address on EWTN radio and was immediately struck with her personality and out look on life. The way she refers to her "gift" of cerebral palsy... incredible lady...

Anyway, she made an appearance on Fox News' Hannity and Colmes the other night, and bless her heart did her level best to stand up to what Alan Colmes was trying to say, though, I don't, for the life of me understand WHAT, exactly his point was.... It is just hard for me to fathom an argument that tries to justify NOT helping an infant that is born alive... What makes that baby any less a person than a baby that is born prematurely?... The commercial that she made confronting Senator Obama on the same issue is powerful... The above FOX link will take you to the interview, and here is the commercial in full...

Monday, September 15, 2008

I Can be a HORRIBLE Tease... : )

I admit it... and because I'm around my kids all the time, they are often the unsuspecting "victims" of my sarcasm and teasing... : ] Just today my daughter (#3)went in to the kitchen to find something to eat for lunch...

"mom, can I have a girl-cheese?"

"Why would you want a girl cheese? What's girl-cheese?... Is that different from boy cheese?..."

"I just want a girl cheese samwich! Can I have one?..."

"Well, I don't think we have any girl-cheese, would you settle for some boy cheese?"

"Yeah, I guess so... I'll have a boy-cheese samwich..."

By this time the the older boys are rolling on the floor laughing. "It's GRILL cheese!"

A smile lights #3's face.. NOW she gets the joke... : ) and I think she was RELIEVED that she wouldn't have to endure a "boy" cheese "samwich"... I don't think she was looking too forward to that, anyway....

Palin and Clinton on SNL

I can't stay awake long enough to watch SNL, but I caught just the end of this on FOX news last night and had to find and see what it was... it's pretty funny...

Storm Updates

Well, it seems that Ike has made his way through and thankfully my friends have all seemed to have reported to be together and safe. Damage is varying, but apparently fixable... some still without power AND phone lines... and a couple of more friends dealing with left over wind storms in the Columbus Ohio area. Thank you all so much to those who took time out to say a prayer. We may never know the whole magnitude of that which we pray for in keeping people safe...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

"Lift High the Cross! The Love of Christ proclaim! Till all the world.... adore.... His Sacred Name...."

Many Blessings this day, expected and not expected... Today is my baby's second birthday! She woke up grumpy, and for whatever reason has continued to be less than "adorable" this day, but none the less, she is healthy and happy for the most part and we are blessed to have her : ) She's actually getting the hang of this potty thing, which is a great relief! And so for her birthday, she not only got a toy, but some new 'big girl' panties... She's very proud... So is mommy : )

My great niece was also baptised today! So she shares her re-birth day with my baby's birthday! The baptism was down in San Diego, so we missed it, but I'm sure it was beautiful and Ella did perfect! I'm anxious to see pictures of the big event! Ella's Grandma and Grandpa, and great-Grandma should be home this evening...

Then, surprisingly, we had a third and unexpected blessing for this day in which a family member decided to take that final "plunge" in to the Tiber and swim across! I couldn't keep the tears from my eyes as a small gathering of family and close friends surrounded him as he made his Profession of Faith, received his First Holy Communion, was Confirmed and Anointed... It was very beautiful and I felt very blessed to be there! May God continue to bless him with all the peace and blessings of his Holy Catholic Church!

We celebrate the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, and God blessed us greatly as we gazed upon Him on that Cross! Thank You, Jesus! Amen and Amen!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The National Catholic Register

For any of you subscribers out there, check out this weeks issue of the NCRegister. Right smack-dab in the middle you will see "nun" other than my beautiful niece holding a "God Bless the USA" sign surrounded by her fellow Sisters of Mary! If you knew my niece, you would know that it was BOUND to happen for her to one day make "Front page news"... : )

More on Ike...

I have friends in and around the Houston area. The one that evacuated with her family to a hotel last Thursday evening sent me a text last night that the hotel they were staying at had no power, but they were currently all together and safe. She had NO news as to what was going on, other than what was happening around them. This morning she text me - 5:30am pacific - that they were currently trying to evacuate the hotel as it was collapsing... They were all very scared, no doubt... Please continue to send prayers upward for their safety and for all that are still in harms way... The news hasn't been good...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane Ike

As I write, according to the latest news, Ike is pounding the Gulf Coast near Houston. I have a friend that lives near there, and evacuated with her family, inland last Thursday evening. God willing, they are safe and out of harms way, but I haven't heard, yet. For those of us not in the path of Ike, before we fall to sleep this night, say a prayer for all the people that are. I can only imagine how scary it would be to have to leave your home with only the bare essentials, not really knowing what you will come back to, if anything... God Bless!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

We Should NEVER Forget...

9/11/01... We still had our driving school business and my husband was already at work and I was home with my 5 and 2 year old sons at the time... After making the boys breakfast I sat down at my computer like I did pretty much every morning and saw the headlines on my home page and watched in surreal disbelief... is this for real?... is this REALLY happening RIGHT now?? As I continued to watch, unable to turn away, yet expecting this to be some kind of dramatically bad joke, I backed my way over to the TV and turned it on, where I found EVERY channel showing the same thing over and over again... Actually when I first turned it on it was actually AFTER the first plane hit the first tower and JUST BEFORE the second plane hit the second tower. The newscaster was giving a report from the balcony with the one burning tower in the background when out of nowhere the second plane came crashing in to the second tower...

The subsequent crashes in to the field in PA and the Pentagon just added to the bizarreness of the whole morning... This CAN'T be real!! But it is!! What in God's name is happening?! For days the nation watched, eyes glued non-stop to any news source they could find to hear something, ANYTHING, for some kind of explanation... I remember trying to explain what "terrorists" were to my kindergartner son and "why" they want to hurt us... I had never seen a greater display of good ole 'USA Spirit' ever in my life... For the first time since what seemed my dad's era, people were actually PROUD to be American again... suddenly they had pride in their country again as all ages were willing to stand together and do whatever needed to be done to stand up and fight back against those who wanted to take away our freedom. Those who wanted us to be afraid and cower... Chants and cries filled the streets, airways of "WE WILL NEVER FORGET" and renditions of powerful American Eagles Rising from the ashes holding the red, white and blue in her talons.... American flags flying from just about every antenna or car window on the street. There was a sea of red, white and blue flying from homes, front yards, in windows of public buildings and private homes everywhere...

But, I think even MORE amazing than the surge of American pride, came forth SO MANY that suddenly realized how FORTUNATE we all were to be able to practice our FAITH so openly, so freely in this Country of ours... and the Christians came out in DROVES... People openly proclaiming their faith, their Christianity... Openly PRAYING for God to have MERCY and protect us... THAT was TRULY God working to bring some 'good' out of 'evil'... GOD BLESS AMERICA was our battle cry...

But, as things go with us humans, time passes and we tend to relax... and once again we get comfortable, getting caught up in the day to day of life and forget WHO this is all really about... WHO is really in control of all that is good in this world.. WHO we should be praying to, worshipping, honoring, THANKING...

At the start of this current election campaign I had forgotten... I had been losing hope... I had been anticipating, already, what the next four years will be like in this country for me and my family... what THAT future would bring for my children... But even in my doubt, as usual, God heard my and many others, I'm sure, underlying prayers for something, ANYTHING, to help bring back that hope in our future again... I think He answered those prayers in a "soccer mom" from 'little ole' Alaska...

There is NO guarantee that the McCain-Palin ticket will win and make it to the White House come January 20, but it sure as heck looks a whole lot better than it did only a few short weeks ago... God, I think, is giving us, Catholics, Christians and pro lifers of all denominations this LATEST OPPORTUNITY to step up and be HEARD!! To let the culture of death HEAR us and KNOW that all other rights are futile WITHOUT the RIGHT to LIFE! At all ages and stages, life has VALUE. Those almost 3000 lives that were lost on this fateful date 7 years ago had VALUE. Just ask the families that suffered the loss personally. And just ask the MILLIONS of Americans that have stood up SINCE that day wanting and willing to do their part to fight back in HONOR of those lost lives.... Every life that is lost to the "choice" of abortion, has value... just ask the hurting and mourning mother and/or father that regret that fateful decision.... Every person suffering from disability, or illness, even terminal, has VALUE, for even they have lessons to teach us in humbleness, humility, compassion, unconditional love... Somethings that this entire world could use more of...

No... God help us, may I/We may never forget... God rest the souls lost on 9/11/01, on this anniversary day, especially. God rest all souls of purgatory. God rest the Holy Innocents. May all the souls of the Faithful Departed, by the MERCY of God, rest in peace... God Bless the friends and families left behind in this world to mourne their loss and honor their lives... God Bless all God's children left here to fight the good fight in whatever capacity He has given us... God Bless the USA...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Value Life above ALL Else..

From CatholicVote.com. I don't think that I've seen anything express where I'M coming from, better... All the issues are important, but none of them matter if the protection of LIFE is not put at the very top of the list. As a Catholic it is our DUTY to preach this from the rooftops! The election will be here before we know it! This is a beautiful commercial...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Dear Mr. Obama...

A powerful message... In case you won't see it on TV, take a look here....

Pregnancy, Insurance and "Specialists", Oh My!!

Okay, I made an "executive decision" and cancelled my appointment with the "Diabetic Counselor" this morning. Now don't get me wrong. I think that Gestational Diabetes should NOT be taken lightly, and I won't treat it as such... but as I recall (and keep in mind that this is baby #5 for me...) that my "numbers" have always been a little "high" but the previous doctor has always reassured me that it was not significant enough to be worried about... Keeping an eye on my blood pressure always seemed to be the greater concern, and THAT has been really good! I mean, even my current doctor told me that it wasn't too bad, and I should watch the sweets, increase my protein and walk more. Simple instructions, I can handle that, thanks, Doc! But THEN it was the Diabetic counselor that accosted me on my way out to "make an appointment" (Like I have time and babysitters for MORE appointments!) so that she could take an hour of my time to counsel me on diet and how to use the glucose monitoring machine... is all this REALLY necessary?? Are my numbers SO significant that it warrants pricking my fingers after EVERY meal? When I spoke with nurse friends AND a mid-wife friend of mine they all told me that the numbers didn't seem THAT significant... "watch your sweets, eat more protein and take a walk!" They all said it!!

On top of this, I was on the phone with the Doctors billing department this morning, as well, questioning WHY I was being charged for services that #1 I was told would be COVERED by some "State program". She told me that that was the charge for the "genetic counseling"!!! I told her that I didn't WANT that in the first place!! Tate it wasn't going to matter WHAT she told me in GC. The ONLY reason I agreed to it was because THEY (the doctors office) told me that because I had a "positive" result on my first trimester screen that I AUTOMATICALLY qualified for the "State Program" and the genetic counseling was part of it, so it was covered... Now they're telling me it's not and so I have to pay for it... gggrrrrr... I don't think so!! I won't take this quietly, that's for sure!!

I try to tell these people, look, this isn't my first 'rodeo'. I have 4 previous little blessings at home so it's not like I can just drop and go for every appointment that they think I need to see a specialist for. And because we live on ONE income, and we are a family of 6, soon to be 7, 20% is A LOT OF MONEY for us to contribute for these expenses that aren't going to change the fact that we are still going to have this baby!! See?! Feed my family, or pay 20% of a bill that isn't going to change anything, but only give me more information that I may or may not want to hear...? hhhmmmm....

*sigh* So, the billing girl that I spoke with FINALLY this morning (I've been trying to contact her for 2 weeks, leaving at least 3 messages that were never returned) told me that probably 85% of the time, insurance companies WON'T cover the cost of the diabetic counselors.. great! Sorry, Doc, I don' t mean to be an obstinate patient here, but I just can't do this anymore... too much "counseling" is making me nuts! I have 4 kids at home, I'm WAY pregnant and WAY hormonal. I homeschool, and trying to potty train a 2 year old, I run errands and try to keep my home as orderly as I can and I don't have time OR patience to measure and monitor food and machines... I feel fine, my weight has been fine, no significant weight gain.. in fact I've lost 4 lbs. since this latest "find" because they have made me absolutely paranoid about eating... I WILL watch the sweets and the carbs, and I WILL eat more protien and walk more. My blood pressure is better than it has been in a long time (116/66 last night) but I just can't do it anymore... I am down to my last few weeks of pregnancy. I just want to be left alone, honestly... I initially chose this new Doctor so that I could feel confident in having a specialist if needed, in the event that I had problems with my BP again, as has been my problem with the previous pregnancies... But enough is enough.... I'm going to trust God on this one... I still like my doctor tremendously, but it's all the "extra's" that want to get their hand in the pot, so to speak...

So, now I don't know about the insurance. They are a whole other confusing problem for me... I mean, our family is relatively healthy, thank you, Jesus! So we don't use our insurance a whole lot. We pay close to $600/month for insurance that covers most things 80/20% , with a $100 deductible per person per calender year. So, yeah, we pretty much pay for insurance we can't really afford to use... They initially told me that ALL maternity was covered 100%. Now they tell me that labs and x-rays are 100% up to $350, after which it goes to 80/20. AND the ultra sounds are being billed 80/20 because they are "major medical". "But", i tell them, "I wouldn't be getting an u/s if I wasn't pregnant!". "Well", they responded, "It's not notated under maternity, so that's why it falls under major medical..." THEN they told me, "Mrs. P, you will need to refer back to your information packet as to what is covered and how..."

Now, I don't know about you, but TALKING with the insurance people over the phone is confusing enough, but they it REALLY irritates me when they want to refer to the plan book!! Talk about TOTAL Greek!! Do they honestly think that regular "Jane Doe" can actually make heads or tails of that?? Please.... That's what I told the girl, and she giggled... she knew that the request was as dumb as it sounded... Unless you deal with this stuff all the time, it makes NO sense! And they change stuff all the time!! I thanked her for her time and told her that I had to stop for now. Anymore and my brain was literally going to explode... I'm not sure what I'm going to do, because I really don't want to take the word of my insurance that "this" amount is what i owe... I need to go back and see if I can get any of these other bills re-marked and re-sent as "maternity" so that the insurance will cover them... such a pain....

Okay, enough griping... there are people worse off in this world... and I think I need a nap... : )

Friday, September 5, 2008

Wow... It's ABOUT Time...

Well, I believe that Archbishop George H. Niederauer is relatively new to the San Francisco area, but in Nancy Pelosi's continual defiance of Church teaching, thankfully, he stood all he could stand and has requested to meet with her. This from the desk of Catholic League president Bill Donahue:

“San Francisco Archbishop Niederauer did not force this issue on Nancy
Pelosi—she forced it on him. His article is a cogent account of what the bishops
expect from Catholics in public life, spelling out in great detail how the
process works when dissidents like Pelosi continue in their obstinacy. The
Church regards abortion to be ‘intrinsically evil.’

“Four years ago, another Catholic dissident on this subject, New Jersey
Gov. James McGreevey, did the right thing by announcing that he would abide by
the Church’s strictures and no longer present himself for Communion. That is
exactly what Pelosi should have done. Instead, she chose to defy the teachings
of the Catholic Church, misrepresent them in public and continue to insist that
she is right. Thus has she beckoned her bishop to act. The ball is in her court."

I really have no idea, but wonder, is Dem. VP nominee Biden still presenting himself for communion?... Or is he just going to remain silently sneaking "under the radar" for now?...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Week 31 and Counting...

So, I had another check up with the Doctor this morning. My BP was a terrific 117/80. BUT!! Apparently my blood sugar levels from my 3 hour glucose test last Friday came back elevated... They were mostly concerned with my level # when i first went in "fasting". I guess that 'normal' is 90, and mine was 118. Then, after i drank the glucose drink and my one hour and 3 hour blood draws were also slightly elevated. The second hour draw was fine... weird, huh?...

"Emily, have you had problems with your blood sugar with your previous pregnancies?"

"nope. Just my blood pressure, which, oddly, seems to be very good!" *sigh*

SO! Now I have to meet with the diabetic counselor so that she can educate me on diet, etc, and show me how to use the monitor that they are going to send home with me for a couple of weeks to monitor my blood sugar levels. My Doctor, kind and sweet man that he is, tried to reassure me that this was probably just 'normal' due to my age and my body just not processing the sugar like it used to... He suggested that exercising, walking or swimming more each day could be enough to regulate it. I will try that, as I haven't been doing as much as i should, and could do more... The only other thing that I could think of that may be causing a problem is my increase in eating fruit, in order to keep things "moving" if you know what I mean! lol!! And during these summer months we have had an abundance of peaches, plums, nectarines, grapes and banana's from friends and family... And apple season is JUST around the corner!!

So now I go back in three weeks for another ultra sound to check and make sure that Sam isn't becoming "MONDO" Baby, and see the doctor again. I guess my biggest worry, now is that I will have a MONSTER size baby... #2 was my biggest, at a whopping 8 lbs... I have friends, though, that have gotten gestational diabetes and delivered 9.5 - 12lb.-r's!! YIKES!! Sure don't want that!! Can you believe that i'm down to the final 9 weeks?...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

About Sarah Palin's 17 year old Daughter..

So, as expected, it didn't take long for something to emerge from the McCain-Palin ticket. We know how it goes in politics and there were many working on it fervently from the moment the announcement was made... Unfortunately, this particular information targets Sarah's oldest daughter, and at 17, I'm sure this can't be easy. God BLESS this family for the love and support they give one another in this campaign! As hard as this road will be for them, especially if elected, I believe that Sarah Palin was an answer to a lot of prayers from across this country for a conservative VP candidate. No doubt that this election and if elected, the Vice Presidency would be a great sacrifice to her family...

But! as Catholics and Christians we know that we AREN'T perfect. Only those who have traveled the hard road and are in heaven with our heavenly Father are perfect. Our Christianity and how committed we are to that which we "preach" is shown in our actions, though. "put up or shut up" or to put it more nicely, "practice what you preach"...

How Sarah and her family are handling this difficult situation with their oldest and unmarried daughter at the tender age of 17, so far has been a BEAUTIFUL example. The parents, though happy that their daughter has chosen to keep her unborn baby, they are realistic in their approach of the situation, and will love and support her, regardless. The words of Sarah Palin, herself say it best:

“We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our
heart and mean everything to us. Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with
news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever
planned. We’re proud of Bristol’s decision to have her baby and even prouder to
become grandparents. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she
knows she has our unconditional love and support.

“Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very
quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the
love and support of our entire family. We ask the media to respect our daughter
and Levi’s privacy as has always been the tradition of children of

Quite a contrast to the words of Obama, last Spring when he crowed of having two daughters and how IF THEY made a "mistake" he would not want them "punished" with a baby, OR an STD... great... so NOW babies are a sexually transmitted diseases... *sigh*

If the Palin's daughter had chosen to go out and seek an abortion, THAT would have been a controversy... she did not, and for me, only shows all the more that they are "normal" in that they don't have "perfect" lives and have to live and deal with the same types of issues many of us as grandparents, parents, and siblings face all the time... God Bless them for that!

And as for the Obama camp, well, let them make their comments, etc... it won't be the first time that it comes back to bite them in the back side.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Wormy's Cousin from the North!

My sister and fellow homeschooling mom that lives about 4-5 hours North of here, has two boys the same ages as my #1 and #2. She saw my blog over the weekend and wrote to tell me that HER boys had found a pillar of their own! My boys are just so excited that their cousins found one like them and I thought is was a wonderful coincidence! The two pillars are quite similar but still different in their color markings. Both are supposed to "morph" into hummingbird moths... : ) According to what my sis was able to find, these worms can sometimes hibernate through the cold season and wait until spring to emerge. Her boys, as well as mine, are hoping that summer weather will hold out long enough for these guys to come out sooner rather than later! Time will tell!