Monday, August 25, 2008

Now This... You Probably Want to Watch this on an EMPTY Stomach...

I get annoyed enough with the pro-death fanatics with their grumbling about the "mean and nasty anti-aborts" aka: "PRO-LIFE people", yet how loving and caring they are for standing up and speaking for "women's Rights" (because an unborn baby, apparently has NO rights, and according to Pelosi and her "like-thinkers" unborn babies aren't people at all...) but those who claim *their* version of Catholicism PROUDLY, and then turn around and speak "authoritatively" about what THE CHURCH teaches, or how the CHURCH is "wishy-washy" or "unclear" about it's stance on certain things, like, ummm... oh, I don't know, like WHEN LIFE BEGINS!!!??? I get REALLY annoyed... Has anyone heard the LATEST load of garbage spewing from Nancy Pelosi's mouth?... I have to admit, I can't even watch her pretty much most of the time... if it hadn't been for Pro-life Blogs bringing this to my attention...

1 comment:

WI Catholic said...

She is not an ardent Catholic. She is an ardent practicing Dissenting Catholic. Period.